
Interface Aesthetics 09 – Assignment 2

인터페이스 미학 두번째 (사실상 제대로 된 첫 번째) 숙제. 이번 숙제는 타이포그라피에 대한 것이었다.

처음에는 매주 숙제하면 많이 귀찮지 않을까 싶었는데, 일주일에 한 번씩 일러스트레이터 만지면서 그래픽 작업하는 것도 재미있다. 내 속에 뭔가 예술가-_-에 대한 니즈가 숨어 있나보다. 고등학교를 이과로 가면서부터 직업의 범위는 대략 정해졌던 것 같긴하지만, 그래도 틈틈이 기타도 치고 이렇게 그림도 그리고 하니까 좋긴 하다. 컴퓨터가 만들어진 이후에 한 개인의 생산성이 비약적으로 향상된 것을 느낀다.

숙제 내용

Assignment 1: Typography (due February 9 in class)

In this typography assignment, you will integrate positive and negative form by creating a single element out of multiple letters:

a. Download pdfs at http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~daniela/type
b. Choose 2 or 3 letters (from the same or different fonts)
c. Cut, crop, shift, turn, repeat, or otherwise transform the letterforms to create your new form.

Preserve the integrity of all letters while creating a single unique form.

내가 제출한 것

When I first saw the “g” in Baskerville font family, I was attracted by its affluent details. From the time, I decided to use the character. I especially focused on its hook. I thought the hook could be used as a metaphor for an actuator of holding something, so I adopted two “g” as two actors in my canvas. Their hooks became their hands.

Then, I needed a medium on which these two actors could play. I chose “O” from Baskerville family again. Other “O”s from sans-serif fonts seemed too plain because they usually maintained consistent width over the whole perimeter. The stroke of Baskerville’s “O” was largely variable over the circle, so it showed dynamics as a medium that I was looking for. I rotated the character 90-degree so that I could easily connect “g” to sides.

After setting up my small world, I felt I needed some marks that could distinguish two actors from each other. For this purpose, I used the “I” character in Trade Gothic font. By paralleling three “I”s, I could create a pattern that could be overlaid. One “g” was marked on its circular part, while the other “g” was tagged on its ear. This pattern was also used on the “O” as well. After marking three parts of the picture, I enlarged the pattern and covered the whole picture with the magnified pattern.

In conclusion, my assignment shows a dynamic world on which two actors play with or fight each other.


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