전에 파이썬으로 네트워크를 시각화해서 그렸던 글을 올렸었는데 소스 코드를 부탁하신 분이 계셔서 별도의 포스팅으로 올립니다.
network_viz.py로 그림 파일을 여러 장 만들고 hitcount_viz.py를 사용해서 동영상으로 인코딩했던 것 같네요. 시간이 지나고 나니 기억이 잘.. -_-;
데이터 파일은 http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/MSNBC.com+Anonymous+Web+Data 에서 받았습니다.
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import *
ma_window = 1000
ma_step = 100
def filesave(i):
plt.title("MSNBC Website Browsing Path (Dataset 1999)", font)
visited = visit_raw / average(visit_raw)
t_edge = edges_raw.diagonal()
self = t_edge / average(t_edge)
passed = []
for (u,v) in G.edges():
passed = passed / average(passed)
#print passed
plt.text(0, 0, "edge width = # user passed, node size = # users visited, node color = self-loop ratio", font1, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
plt.text(1, 0, "# Visitor: " + str(i), font2, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
plt.savefig(".\\output\\network_viz_%07d.png" % i) # save as png
input = open("msnbc990928.seq")
data = input.read().splitlines()
print len(data)
font = {'fontname': 'Helvetica', 'color': 'k', 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 24}
# change font and write text (using data coordinates)
font1 = {'fontname': 'Helvetica', 'color': 'k', 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 14}
font2 = {'fontname': 'Helvetica', 'color': 'k', 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 30}
categories = "Frontpage News Tech Local Opinion On-air Misc Weather MSN-News Health Living Business MSN-Sports Sports Summary BBS Travel".split()
print categories
categories = dict(zip(range(17), categories))
G = nx.complete_graph(17)
G = G.to_directed()
#print pos
pos = {
0: array([ 0.42715358, 0.52961866]),
1: array([ 0.6006982 , 0.45497008]),
2: array([ 0.39653568, 0.43281288]),
3: array([ 0.25918795, 0.44035879]),
4: array([ 0.31563072, 0.36506269]),
5: array([ 0.6059773 , 0.55317834]),
6: array([ 0.41936401, 0.35313178]),
7: array([ 0.44428007, 0.6528567 ]),
8: array([ 0.55117116, 0.38336754]),
9: array([ 0.49707884, 0.46947535]),
10: array([ 0.54038237, 0.58690058]),
11: array([ 0.3004154 , 0.65209351]),
12: array([ 0.31939352, 0.50661267]),
13: array([ 0.24905028, 0.55743071]),
14: array([ 0.48420206, 0.36347243]),
15: array([ 0.36604202, 0.65038191]),
16: array([ 0.52645572, 0.6663619 ])
visit_raw = zeros(17)
edges_raw = zeros((17,17))
#for j in range(800,900):
# for d in data[j*ma_step:j*ma_step+ma_window]:
# last = -1
# for i in d.split():
# current = int(i)-1
# if last > -1:
# edges_raw[last][current] += 1
# last = current
# visit_raw[last] += 1
# print j
# filesave(j)
# visit_raw = zeros(17)
# edges_raw = zeros((17,17))
for (ind,d) in enumerate(data):
# if (ind % 1649 == 1648) and ind > 800000 and ind < 1000000: # if (ind % 1649 == 1648) and ind > 200000 and ind < 300000: # print ind # filesave(ind) # visit_raw = zeros(17) # edges_raw = zeros((17,17)) # if ind > 50000: break
last = -1
for i in d.split():
current = int(i)-1
if last > -1:
edges_raw[last][current] += 1
last = current
visit_raw[last] += 1
print "Program finished"
#os.system("c:\\badak\\mencoder 'mf://*.png' -mf type=png:fps=20 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o hitcount_viz.avi")
#plt.show() # display
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import *
input = open("msnbc990928.seq")
data = input.read().splitlines()
font = {'fontname': 'Helvetica', 'color': 'k', 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 14}
categories = "frontpage news tech local opinion on-air misc weather msn-news health living business msn-sports sports summary bbs travel".split()
print len(data)
val = zeros(17) # the bar lengths
pos = arange(17)+5 # the bar centers on the y axis
print val
#for (ind, d) in enumerate(data):
# if ind % 653 == 0:
# print ind
# plt.barh(pos, val, color='r', alpha=0.5, align='center')
# plt.yticks(pos, categories)
# plt.title("MSNBC Website Page Hit Count (Dataset 1999) | # of Visitors = " + str(ind), font)
# plt.savefig("_hitcount_viz_%07d.png" % ind) # save as png
# for i in d.split():
# val[int(i)-1] += 1
#print val
print 'Making movie hitcount_viz.avi - this make take a while'
os.system("c:\\badak\\mencoder 'mf://*.png' -mf type=png:fps=25 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o hitcount_viz.avi")
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