
Tag: linus

  • Interface Aesthetics 09 – Assignment 1

    이번 학기에 Interface Aesthetics (인터페이스 미학) 수업을 듣는다. 그 첫 숙제가 “자신이 가장 좋아하는 사물을 수업에서 배운 본능적(Visceral), 행동적(Behavioral), 추억적(Reflective) 세 가지 관점에서 분석해 보시오” 였다.

    나는 당연히(?) 담요를 골라서 정리해서 제출했다.

    숙제 내용

    Think about your favorite object (could be a physical thing or a virtual thing) and describe its aesthetic quality based on the three levels of processing ? Visceral, Behavioral, Reflective ? we have discussed in class. Post your writing here with a photo or a sketch/illustration of the object.

    내가 제출한 것

    1. General Description on the Object
    2. Aesthetic Quality Analysis using the Three Levels ? Visceral, Behavioral, Reflective



    My blanket is definitely my lifetime favorite object. It was given to me one week after I was born, so it is almost as old as I am. It has been worn out because I have stretched and bitten over time. It was originally covered by soft fur, but now only rough skin is left. It was accidentally split in half after being washed one day. I brought only a half of it here when I came to Berkeley in order to prepare myself for any possibility of being lost or damaged. It has been one of my crucial accessories to sleep with since I was born.


    (1) Visceral Quality
    In physical aspects, it cannot be considered something beautiful. Its surface has been abraded, so it has no tender fluff any more. Because of long time, its color is faded as well. It was torn from time to time, so there are lots of stitches on it. The picture printed on the surface is quite out of fashion. Generally, it cannot be regarded as a viscerally aesthetic object.

    (2) Behavioral Quality
    I have some behaviors attached to the blanket. Three major actions are usually taken on it: grabbing, biting and patting. Grabbing is an action of holding it tightly. This behavior may come from an emotional attachment to my infancy. Biting seems weird for others, but I think it was developed as an attacking action driven by an infant attack behavior. Patting is an action taken before I falling into sleep. These actions make me feel calm and comfortable. I am not sure these behaviors can justify a claim that the blanket is behaviorally aesthetic, but it is definitely true if I can make a subjective judgment on the behavioral quality.

    (3) Reflective Quality
    Looking back, the blanket and I has been always together. For example, when I went to take an important exam, I cut a small piece from it and carried it as an amulet or a charm. This history of partnership makes it more special for me. In part, it plays a role of a gate to my past. I think I remember mother’s warmth through this blanket. It contains all my emotions in the past, so it becomes my personal life history itself. In terms of reflective quality, the blanket is absolutely qualified.