
Tag: interface

  • Interface Aesthetics 09 – Assignment 3

    이번 주 숙제는 Layout 이었다. 가로, 세로, 대각, 자유의 네 가지 형태로 레이아웃을 잡는 것인데 임시 프로젝트 제목 dooqle을 가지고 작업을 해봤다.

    숙제 내용

    Assignment 2: Layout

    In this layout assignment, you will explore horizontal, vertical, and diagonal compositions by creating 3 different designs of a possible “project poster”:

    I: Horizontal Composition

    Create a horizontal composition (i.e., no vertical or diagonal elements). Be sensitive to the positive space and negative space. Try to establish contract by manipulating the visual levels of dominance and subordination.

    Hints: Experiment with scales, typographic color (e.g., black, gray), positive and negative space, and grouping.

    II: Horizontal/Vertical Composition

    Create a composition that involves both horizontal and vertical reading directions. Be sensitive to the reading directions you create with your composition.

    III: Diagonal Composition

    Create a composition that involves elements that are placed at 45° angles or at 30°/60° angles. Take advantage of the tensions you may create with your diagonal elements.

    IV: Free Style (extra credit)

    Create a composition that embodies your sense of a visual chord with energy and harmony. While giving the page a sense of liveliness and poise, don’t forget to give the reader a sense of direction.

    내가 제출한 것

    In general, I tried to pursue an extreme as Kimiko said in class. What I used for each of the following four assignments are a title, a description, place and time, class name – “Interface Aesthetics”, my name, a slogan and some pictures or icons. I did not use any other colors than black so that I could focus on layout itself. I controlled opacity to balance a canvas instead.

    I. Horizontal Composition

    At first, I used two pictures that can match my tentative slogan. The slogan is “weaving your space and time,” so I pasted pictures of a map and a clock. I tried to extend a canvas as wide as I could and my intention was having people follow the horizontal lines. Since the top title was so strong, I introduced larger font with less opacity at the bottom of the canvas. Place and time information is located at the top of the image, and place is slightly nudged down so that people can easily tell place from time.
